The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2889542
Posted By: Teribus
19-Apr-10 - 01:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
The facts are the facts...

1. Saddam was "our guy"... No he was not

2. Saddam did our bidding against Iran (with our help)...The Iran/Iraq War started in 1980, Rumsfeld met Saddam in December 1983, the actual softening of relations between Iraq and the USA did not occur until November 1984, so whose bidding was Saddam doing until that point (mere than half wat through the War. Like Soviet Russia, the USA gave assistance to both Iran and Iraq during the course of the war

3. Saddam was rewarded with gifts...Only thing is Bobert cannot provide any information about them, the meeting notes of the encounter between Saddam and Rumsfeld are in the public domain, uncomfortably and inconveniently for the likes of Bobert weapons were not even mentioned

4. Saddam was gievn a wink-wink on Kuwait....No he was not

5. and then the Bush I and Bush II, for reasons that only their psychiatrist knowm decided that Saddam wasn't our man after all...Well it could only have been Bush I and Bill Clinton really

6.   I mean, what did Saddam do??? Gas the Kurds??? That's purdy flimsy...So Kurdish lives and Iranian war dead mean nothing to Bobert

7.   Yeah, he did it but was rewarded afterwards by the US for being a good citizen???...Rewarded how? from the US Iran got weapons, Iraq got information

8.   I mean, this entire story smells like week old dead fish... Yes Bobert your version does smell like week old dead fish because it is a tissue of lies, one piled on top of another