The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73304   Message #2890171
Posted By: Jim Dixon
19-Apr-10 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: How I loves My Mother In Law
Subject: Lyr Add: I LOVE MY MOTHER-IN-LAW (Brown/VanAlstyne
Not the same song, but what the heck:

From the sheet music at Indiana University:

Words: A. Seymour Brown. Music, Egbert Van Alstyne.
New York: Jerome H. Remick & Co., 1914.

1. Some years ago I married, settled up and down, you see.
Of course my wifey's mother dear, she came to live with me.
She brought the dog, canary, cat and parrot with her, too.
I didn't like it much at first, but what was I to do?
Now there's no place like home to me, and the secret I'll explain to you.

CHORUS: I love my mother-in-law. I do. It's true!
I do, by golly! I love my mother-in-law. Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurroo!
Oh, the bull on the nickel is nothing, you see,
When compared with the bull mother hands out to me,
But she makes me like it, so tra-la-la-lee,
Oh, I love my mother-in-law!

2. Now mother always seems to know the things I like the most.
She mends my clothes, and darns my hose, and feeds me quail on toast.
She has the nicest checkbook and the cutest little pen,
And when the bankroll's very low—it happens now and then—
Why there's no place like home to me. I always touch mama for ten.

3. Now like a lot of other men, I take a little drink.
I also take a big one ev'ry now and then, I think.
The first time I brought home a bun, my little wife was sore,
But now when I sneak in, she never know it anymore;
And I don't have to ring the bell, for mother's waiting at the door.

4. I often leave my money in my trousers on the chair.
My little wife is wise, of course; she knows the dough is there.
One night, she took my roll and left a lonely dime, you see.
I never have to worry now. It's safe as it can be,
For her ma gets there first at night, and next morning hands it back to me.