The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35080   Message #2890267
Posted By: GUEST,Andy Muir
19-Apr-10 - 08:32 PM
Thread Name: 'Singing Together' - BBC Song Booklets
Subject: RE: 'Singing Together' 1958 UK
To Arran Brown Butterfly
The Neighbours was in Spring 1956 It is a French folk song
Your first verse is correct.
2 Wine we have none for supper,
Dance as we always do!
Over the way they have some,
May we not have some too?
3 Fire we have none to warm us,
Dance as we always do!
Over the way they have some,
May we not have some too?
4 Fun we shall have in plenty,
Dance as we always do!
Over the way they are weeping,
We'll laugh the evening through!