The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126147   Message #2890505
Posted By: GUEST
20-Apr-10 - 06:38 AM
Thread Name: Licensing consultation announced!
Subject: RE: Licensing consultation announced!
Information about the LGA group

The LGA is the single voice for local government. As a voluntary membership body, funded almost entirely by the subscriptions of our 424 member authorities in England and Wales, we lobby and campaign for changes in policy and legislation on behalf of our member councils and the people and communities they serve. We work with and on behalf of our membership to deliver our shared vision of an independent and confident local government sector, where local priorities drive public service improvement in every city, town and village and every councillor acts as a champion for their ward and for the people they represent.

The IDeA supports improvement and innovation in local government, focusing on the issues that are important to councils and using tried and tested ways of working. We work with councils in developing good practice, supporting them in their partnerships. We do this through networks, online communities of practice and web resources, and through the support and challenge provided by councillor and officer peers. We also help develop councillors in key positions through our leadership programmes. Regional Associates work closely with councils in their areas and support the Regional Improvement and Efficiency Partnerships (RIEPs).

LGE works in partnership with local authorities, regional employers and other bodies to lead on and create solutions for pay, pensions and the employment contract. LGE offers advice on all employment issues, and represents local government employer interests to central government, government agencies, trades unions and European institutions.

LACORS promotes quality regulation to councils in the areas of trading standards, environmental protection, licensing and gambling, food safety, hygiene and standards, animal health and welfare and private sector housing.LACORS offer comprehensive advice and guidance to councils and their partners, disseminating good practice and providing up-to-date information on policies and initiatives that affect local people and local services. We lobby on behalf of councils and ensure that legislation and government policy can be practically implemented, and with our colleagues in the LGA group, ensure we contribute to sector-led improvement.

Central Bodies

Improvement and Development Agency (I&DeA)
Formed in 1998, the I&DeA is funded by a mix of 'top sliced' Revenue Support Grant from the LGA, grant funding from government deparments and fee income from chargeable services. The I&DeA works in partnership with all councils in England & Wales to enhance the performance of the best and accelerate the speed of improvement in other authorities. In this way it helps to develop the sector as a whole.


See the following site also for informantion on how LACORS itself is regulated and the composition of the board.

How is LACORS funded?
LACORS is a local government central body created by the UK local authority associations which comprise of the Local Government Association (LGA), Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA), Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) and Northern Ireland Local Government Association (NILGA). LACORS is mainly funded from local government monies. In England and Wales money is 'top sliced' from the Revenue Support Grant.


I don't know what being 'top sliced' means - but it sounds painful to me!!