The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2890538
Posted By: LilyFestre
20-Apr-10 - 07:43 AM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestre - Great oncology numbers!!! Yowza!!!
My oncologist was really pleased with the eggs! He said he hasn't had fresh eggs in about 3 years and even told me who he was with when he had them and the circumstances!! I warned him about the color and also that fresh eggs make great hard boiled eggs but they don't peel well. If I hard boil them, I cut them in half with a knife and scoop out the insides like you would a grapefruit. He really was tickled...gave me an extra hug too.

That's the thing I love about this Dr. (aside from his excellent medical skills), he has a personality that clicks with mine. The first thing he did yesterday when he walked in the office was hug me and tell me that I look beautiful. I asked him if he fell on his head recently. He laughed and said, "Are you kidding? This is what I live for!" He asked me how I was doing and I told him I was nervous and he asked me if it was because I thought something else was growing and I said yes. He said I was fine and let's take a look. And he was right! He also said that all my blood panels from the chemo end of things (different Dr for that) look great. I told him that I was concerned about the low platelet count and he said that was normal and that if the drugs were powerful enough to lower my count so substantially, then the way to look at this is to imagine what it's doing to any cancer cells. I love this man! I will spend the day getting myself and my house ready to be away for the next 2 days for my 4th chemo treatment, which is on Thursday. Mom and I are planning a little adventure for the drive down tomorrow, a leisurely breakfast on Thursday, my treatment and then dinner out. We'll play games in the evening or watch tv, read or relax if I'm tired. Friday we'll take our time, hit some grocery stores on the way home and then I'll do my best to prepare for the week that follows the treatment.

And OH YEAH....last night on the way home we stopped at the grocery store and I decided the hell with my diet, I had GREAT news and it was time for a celebratory dinner!!   I bought two t-bone steaks from the case (which made me feel like a very rich person), fresh broccoli and.......are you ready for this....a fruit torte....cake on the bottom, cream and then covered with fruit!!! I've had this only once in my life and LOVED IT!!! I look at them every time I'm at this store, in the bakery.....but never would I buy one. Yesterday I did!!!!   Of course, as things go, I was exhausted by the time I got home....went ...bed before we will have that tonight!!! YUM!!!!!!!!!

Love to all...and yes Bobert...ya told me so!!!!!   I'm SO GLAD you were right!!!!!


PS. Susan....truck is broken, so Pete is using my car, I have no way to come see the DVD right now although I would LOVE to see it!!!