The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128415   Message #2891062
Posted By: Bobert
20-Apr-10 - 10:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Admin and Financial Reform
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Admin and FInancial Reform
Geeze, mouse... I am scared 'cause it sounds like the Repubs are talkin' about cooperatin' on this legislation.... That's a bad thing... They are in bed with the bad-guys so if they are cooperatin' than any bill that comes outta Congress will be junk...

Right now, I'm smellin' one shit-load of $$$$s promised to one shit-load of Congressmen over this...

And for the thousanth time, regulating Wall Street isn't a "bailout"??? I don't know hwere the current crop of Repubs came up with that but I think they need to collectively "pee in the cup"...
