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Thread #128878   Message #2891126
Posted By: Sawzaw
21-Apr-10 - 01:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
Subject: RE: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
Yeah I got it Bobert but you believe anybody that didn't do all those things are somehow racist. You think they are not qualified to make their own judgments so you have to jump in there keep them straight.

You don't know me either. Do you think I purposefully avoided doing all those things you did? The reason I call you racist is because you obsess over it as if it is some sort of religion.

I have no problems with race, only the people who keep whipping the horse. The flames of racism will never die as long as people keep pouring on the gasoline. As long as they want everybody to treat one person different from another person because of their race.

I will give you an example. Obama gave a speech on something. It was a good speech but after wards there were these "progressives" saying "Oooh I almost forgot he was black"

Jesus Christ on a crutch. Why do they have to keep remembering he is black unless they are racist? I don't even think about it anymore. It is a fact of life.

Every time I hear on the radio somebody was "black man" or "he was a white man" I think why in the fuck do they have to mention that? The only difference it could possibly make is to piss somebody off and serves no positive purpose.

The whole world would be a better place if we quit saying it.

Do we still call each other whops or frogs or krauts? That shit died out. Let the black and white die out too.

When you say something like "So ya'll righties want to see the country sink further in the recession to get the "nigga" out???"

What the hell are you saying? You accusing people that do not happen to agree with Obama of wanting to ruin the country because they are racist and don't like him.

Did you ever stop to think that maybe people don't like his policies?

No you don't think so you want to start up some kind of racial thing to protect Obama. You want to play the race card.

Do you believe it is impossible for him to be wrong? If he does not do a good job is it possible to elect someone else or we can't do that because of his race?

You are not going to make the world a better place with those racial accusations. You are only going to make it worse.

I think a large majority of people think Obama is a good guy that means well. I do. I think they were hoping the race thing would be over. I remember talking to people and saying so

However somre of these same people believe the things he wants to do are not realistic and unachievable, especially in a bad economy. It has nothing to do with race.

But you who uses the L word like taking another breath believe people are by default, liars.

I take the charge if lying very seriously. I don't think I have ever called anybody a liar. I think not civilized, it is anti social and selfish. It shows the demeanor of the people making the accusation rather than the accused.

If you think people have to be treated differently because of their race then go ahead but I would rather just get on with life.

I don't expect to be treated any differently by any race than they would treat people of their own race or any race. Like wise with religion gender Etc.

There are still racists but they are getting fewer and fewer. In time racism will die out but as long as people keep bringing it up again and again, it will never die.

But you have to keep projecting racisim, hate, killing etc on somebody else because you are intolerant of their beliefs or ideas and you have to stop them. They are evil cause they disagree with you.

What are you accomplishing? Peace? good will? Harmony? Do you think you are teaching anybody anything?

People need to find out what they agree on and work from there, finding more and more things they agree on. First thing you know they are feeling better and more optimistic and start agreeing to things they were against.

You are working in the other direction. Where is that leading? Will it make the world a better place?