The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24910   Message #289118
Posted By: sian, west wales
01-Sep-00 - 06:30 AM
Thread Name: Tune Add: Bachgen bach o dincar
Subject: RE: Name This Tune - Bachgen bach o dincar
Not sure about the music hall connection with the Welsh, although far from impossible. As mentioned earlier, those from whom it was collected claimed to have learned it in school - and garbled it because they were Welsh speaking (monoglot) kids thrown into an English-only environment. If it was being taught in schools, I hestitate to think that it came *directly* from the music halls ... although there are quite a few tunes used in Welsh folk music that do trace back to music hall (and even American minstrel shows - another thread someday, perhaps).

I *must* get Phyllis in on this. I shall e-mail her! It's as good an introduction to mudcat as she's gonna get!
