The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128156   Message #2891451
Posted By: Ed T
21-Apr-10 - 01:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Subject: RE: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
akenaton posted "Ah yes......but does he have an axe to grind"?

So, is that the scale one would put forward to weigh professional (and non professional) research and opinion (even here)? If so, I suspect if you as closely checked out the personal opinions or activities of those whose research many here rely on...we would be stripped back to our own personal views....with no research to back up any logical discussion.

There are statistics, research and professional opinion put forward as evidence... and even financed by... those who have a specific religious, family and anti-homosexual (or anti RC or religeous) perspectives or experience. Are we to rule their work out because of that? There are professions who have been quoted who have been censured by their profession for biased and poor research,some physciologists whose work is promoted here. BTW Dr. Gregory M. Herek is not one of these...but whose research is recognized by his professional community...regardless of his passions are outside his professional career)