The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117126   Message #2891823
Posted By: Teribus
22-Apr-10 - 12:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Subject: RE: BS: Why Iraq Was a Mistake, Teribus...
Ah the same old Bobert tactic when you are being backed into a corner.

1. No, T... First of all, we're going to have to ask you to pee in the cup 'casue yer thinkerator is gummed up an we suspect that illegal drugs may be at play here...

Coming from you that has got to be a joke!!

2. But seriously... Posting one organization's methodology is real nice...

Nice it maybe, it most certainly is a damn sight more than you have EVER done in support of your ludicrous arguments.

3. Maybe you'd go a little further and rather than use right wing blogs and web sites as yer compass try Googling other sites that might better expalin to you the methodology that others folks, such as the Johns Hopkin's study...

Another Bobert classic, please, please,please Bobert contact and tell them that you think that they are a Right Wing Blog. Don't know where either of you are located but on receipt of your message YOU will hear their howls of laughter down in your cellar. Iraqi Health Ministry; Iraqi Interior Ministry; WHO and other UN web-sites Bobert are similarly NOT BLOGS.

4. Ya' know, somewhere in between my "upwards of a million" and yer "ahhhhh, maybe a couple dozen" is the truth and the truth is that one shit load of Iragis died...

Ah but Bobert that is not what you repeatedly state is it? You always come out with the lie that 1 million Iraqis were killed by US forces. I ask you again - PROVE IT.

5. Can we at least agree on that???

Most certainly we can agree that one shit load of Iragis died, 80% of them having been killed NOT by US Forces but by their fellow countrymen and fellow muslims.

6. Now back to Blix and his statement to the UN... That's where the tire hits the pavement...

Attempted deflection of argument in order to change the subject, not buying it Bobert, you are as wrong on Blix (have you read his book by the way? - No, thought not) as you are on US forces having killed over 1 million Iraqis.

We can discuss Blix any time after you have learned to read.