The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7654   Message #2892118
Posted By: Backwoodsman
22-Apr-10 - 12:12 PM
Thread Name: Modifications to Your Acoustic Guitar
Subject: RE: Modifications to Your Acoustic Guitar
You may well be correct Richard, but I think Buddhuu and I were probably working with the KISS principle, for people who have very modest DIY skills.

there's a wealth of stuff out there for then serious amateur-tech-luthier type of guy, or to name but two (which I know are good resources).

Dressing and crowning frets is probably the kind of thing that even the most enthusiastic amateur should practice on an old, low-value instrument before starting to fart around on a decent guitar?

That's IMHO, of course and, if you're a braver man than me, Gungha Din, YMMV. :-) :-)