The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128415   Message #2892182
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
22-Apr-10 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Admin and Financial Reform
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Admin and Financial Reform
In trying to keep their investors of all stripes happy, many major corporations donate to both major political parties and top candidates.

As kendall implied (I think), McCain probably received a similar amount. In the primary and caucus stage, check the sums received by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and McCain and his major competitors.

Today, Obama addressed 'Wall Street' in an attempt to sell controls- if successful, in part anyway, complaints reaching Congressmen will be muted and there may be a chance of getting a helpful bill passed.

Some contributors here seem to think that major financial institutions do not represent their investors, who happen to include pension funds, life insurance funds, banks, union funds, etc. The bottom line is that most of us have some stake in their continued solvency.