The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128969   Message #2892325
Posted By: Joybell
22-Apr-10 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Things you've found under the sofa
Subject: RE: BS: Things you've found under the sofa
During baby Magpie (Australian kind) season, when I'm caring for orphans, the sofa is a popular place for "posting" all sorts of things. After my babies have grown up and been set free I move the sofa and retrieve the collections of:
Spoons, leaves, sticks, coloured wool and twine, interesting pieces of paper, petals, little toy animals, a lot of silver paper, big moths, feathers, mouse tails, onion skins, shells, pencils, pegs of all colours, book marks, business cards, ....
Cheers, Joy