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Thread #123724   Message #2892383
Posted By: ichMael
22-Apr-10 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: A birther in the Court
Subject: RE: BS: A birther in the Court
Gee. A lot of hysterical interest in this. A sore spot. I'll do what I can to address this point by point.

First, I looked back to make sure, and I initially asked about Soetoro/Obama's name. That thread was shut down and my question was moved to this "Crazy Birther" thread. But I didn't ask about his birthplace or birth certificate, I asked about his legal name.

So, the moderator showed bias and disdain in shutting the thread and moving the post.

Then I started a thread about Arizona possibly demanding proof of eligibility for a presidential candidate to be on that state's presidential ballot. That thread was shut down and some of the responses were moved to this "Crazy Birther" thread.

Let me go through the stuff directed at me...abuse, abuse, then someone said, "All the proof needed has already been provided by the state of Hawaii, but those who are crazy will continue to be crazy." Wishful thinking on Hawaii providing proof. They provided a story, not proof. Then TIA gives a link to a Certificate of Live Birth and says to shut the fuck up, not knowing that a COLB has as much weight in court as a roll of toilet paper. Less, in fact...more paper in the roll. Then Alice quotes from a story that says, "Fukino said she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate." That's fine. So it was verified by the folks in Hawaii. Then he won that state legally. But proof of citizenship was not provided to the rest of the nation. And in light of the COLB that was foisted on the American public when this crisis erupted, one would have to question whether an "original" is really in "a vault" somewhere.

And then we come to Joe Offer's post. Plays a religion card. Some story about Obama = Muslim, and then he sources from the bogus Snopes site. Joe says, "I'm really tired of the lies and the hatred. The opposition has valid points; but they prefer to oppose Obama with lies and innuendo and thinly-veiled bigotry instead of rational discussion. The "birther" thing it the most outrageous example of the thinly-veiled bigotry that has become a trademark of conservatives in the U.S." Pretty pathetic. Gotta try to turn the thing into a racial issue. Obama can't be defended on his outrageously anti-American actions, so his would-be defenders have to go on the offense. So lame, so lame. But then, Joe says, "I think I'll take the 'crazy" out of the thread title. I moved one or two of IchMael's birther threads to here since there already was an ongoing discussion of the subject. But in fairness to IchMael, maybe it would be better to have the thread title not quite so opinionated." Bravo for Joe. He whined about bigotry and then apparently a neuron sent a signal to his conscience and he realized that calling people "crazy" smacks of bigotry. Witness this in awe--an honest act of conscience displayed by a moderator.

Let's see...denial, abuse, denial. Then MMario has an interesting point. "I haven't heard anyone suggesting Obama is not his mother's son. As she was a citizen of the US; I do believe, that legally he is a NBC, regardless of where he was born unless he has officially REVOKED his claim to citizenship at some point." That's why the name thing is so important. Soetoro/Obama may in fact be an Indonesian citizen.   Maybe that's why he's spent a couple million bucks in the past couple of years hiding his records. Who knows? But remember his talk about transparency? Where's the transparency regarding his records?

frogprince: "ichMael: If Obama had been a white conservative, raised overseas as was Obama, would it have occured to you to question his citizenship if he so much as stated that he was born in the United States? Yes or no. If you did feel compelled to raise the question, would you still question his citizenship after he produced a birth certificate issued by his state, after several leading authorities from his state attested to examining the original certificate in the state records, and after announcements of his birth were found in the archives of two local newspapers? Yes or no."

White conservative... Yes, I would question it. I did question it. I can think of only a handful of national politicians more foul than Obama, and John McCain is one of them. I've questioned his citizenship for years. Even on election day, I gave the people at my precinct hell for fouling my ballot with the name of Panama Songbird McCain.

Would I still question his citizenship after Hawaiian "officials" examined what they claimed was his birth certificate? Of course I'd question it. Obama's spent two million to hide evidence. At this point the matter needs serious, open, public investigation. Grand jury, no sealed testimony.

Wind up with goofiness from Amos, then a link from Alice to a law site. Thanks for the link.

Anyway, no one's given any evidence that he ever changed his name back to Barack Obama, and no one's given any evidence that he was born where he claims he was. I don't know why you folks don't pursue this. The man got into the white house without displaying proper I.D.   You have to show I.D. to cash a check.