The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123724   Message #2892393
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
22-Apr-10 - 07:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: A birther in the Court
Subject: RE: BS: A birther in the Court
ichMael said, in part:

"Soetoro/Obama may in fact be an Indonesian citizen.   Maybe that's why he's spent a couple million bucks in the past couple of years hiding his records. Who knows?"

Though that's phrased as mild speculation, more or less written off with a shrug, it includes a straight-out assumption of fact within it: "he's spent a couple million bucks in the past couple of years hiding his records."

And later, he repeats: "Obama's spent two million to hide evidence." On what is that claim of fact based?

What's the claimed factual basis for that assumption?   Frankly, I don't expect there is any. And if no source of factual knowledge is shown, why should anyone believe it enough to give the time of day to the speculation?

Dave Oesterreich