The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128878   Message #2892417
Posted By: ichMael
22-Apr-10 - 08:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
Subject: RE: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
The U.S. mission to Haiti IS a military occupation. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas was the only representative to vote against the "aid" resolution to Haiti. Before the vote Paul said:

"I rise in reluctant opposition to this resolution. Certainly I am moved by the horrific destruction in Haiti and would without hesitation express condolences to those who have suffered and continue to suffer. As a medical doctor, I have through my career worked to alleviate the pain and suffering of others. Unfortunately, however, this resolution does not simply express our condolences, but rather it commits the US government "to begin the reconstruction of Haiti" and affirms that "the recovery and long-term needs of Haiti will require a sustained commitment by the United States. . . ." I do not believe that a resolution expressing our deep regret and sorrow over this tragedy should be used to commit the United States to a "long-term" occupation of Haiti...."

Rasmussen just reported Ron Paul at 41% and Obama/Soetoro at 42% in the race for president.

Obama's handlers know a trend when they see it. Look for Obama to start adopting more of Ron Paul's stances. And that's all they'll be--stances. Or poses, more accurately.

The bigger story in this is that the media has been ordered to turn on Obama, with bits like this thing about the flags. Remember when he could do no wrong? Compare that time to now. He's being slowly jettisoned.