The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107818 Message #2893322
Posted By: GUEST,Robert
24-Apr-10 - 06:51 AM
Thread Name: seeking: Time and Tune/Singing Together recording
Subject: RE: seeking: Time and Tune/Singing Together recording
I can remember the Singing Together broadcasts in the 1970s. I was at Castlehill Primary School in Bearsden and we got Singing Together from P5 through to P7. The songbooks that accompanied the broadcasts were always beautifully illustrated. The broadcasts were entertaining although I wasn't too keen on the old ballads. I think it's fair to say that the words "fair maid" and "love" occurred in a Singing Together broadcast like the word "minister" in an episode of Yes Minister. At the end of each series there was a vote on the most popular songs that had featured in that series. The winners of the vote were always bouncy upbeat non-romantic songs like Pay Me My Money Down and The Banana Boat Song. The teacher I had in P7, a woman who seemed to think kids should only like the things that elderly ladies in the 1970s liked, complained about the ballads being at the bottom of the poll or not included at all. She had no empathy with kids. On the subject of the vote, can you tell me the name of the presenter. I know one was Johnny Morris but who was the other one? If I can speak freely, he was a bit of a drip. The week before the results of the vote, he finished the programme by saying "Next week we're going to find out the results of your votes. Oh I can hardly wait". When the programme with the vote was broadcast he started with the words "At last the great day has arrived!". My words to him, 35 years on, are "Get a life". He was on another schools radio programme, the title of which I can't remember, and he said "You know, at school people used to call me "Rosie, Rosebud" and there's nothing really rosy about me at all". But it's fair to say he sounded a bit camp. Anyway, part of my not too fondly remembered years at Castlehill Primary but Singing Together was a good programme which definitely did stimulate my interest in music.