The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73304   Message #2893604
Posted By: Jim Dixon
24-Apr-10 - 04:49 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: How I loves My Mother In Law
Subject: Lyr Add: MY MOTHER-IN-LAW (George Stevens)
From the sheet music at The Library of Congress American Memory Collection:

Words and music by George Stevens
New York: C. H. Ditson & Co., 1873.

1. Did yez iver see my mother-in-law?
She's the mosht angilic crachure in the world;
She's a variegated countenance,
And an ornimintal topknot curl'd,
And her name it is Maginn,
And it isn't any sin
For to say that she's a foightin' animoile;
For aitch hour of the day,
If I happen in the way,
She is kickin' up a rumpus all the whoile.

CHORUS: Och, she's sich a darlin' mother-in-law,
That of coorse I cannot hilp adore
This inistimable lady who's the mother of my betther half,
An' sure she is my mother-in-law.

2. Och, she loves me as a cow loves chaze,
And 'tis mutual wid mesilf I'm sure,
For I'm certain she's as shwate to me
As a garlic to an epicure;
For she howls around the house
Loike a darlin' little mouse
In the talons of a cruel pussy cat,
And she gabbles all about
Loike a camel wid the gout,
An' at times a little worse than aiven that.

For she's sich a darlin' mother-in-law, &c.

3. Sure there's not a single day goes by,
But me loife is shwately sayson'd o'er
By a barrel-full of nate regards
From this besht of darlin' mothers-in-law;
For she says that I'm a fool
An' a chuckle-headed mule,
An' a maniacle divil anyhow;
An' becaze I don't agree
Wid her argumint, ye see,
She accuses me of kickin' up a row.

For she's sich a darlin' mother-in-law, &c.