The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128415   Message #2893822
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
25-Apr-10 - 12:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Admin and Financial Reform
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Admin and Financial Reform
How do you do it, Little Hawk??...and Bill D. You seem the only ones on here who understand plain English...WITHOUT THE SPIN of party politics!

All of you out there, who are looking to a political party to govern are only in for disappointment, and heartache!!! If you want to be governed, fairly, LOOK TO YOUR MORALS!...and have dialogue, to and from those others, who do. Speak to them there! To try to change the minds and hearts of people, through legislation, especially corrupt legislation, is complete lunacy!!...and really, Haven't we seen enough corrupt legislation and stupid ideas passed into law???

Look at all the bickering, and tug of war over some bullshit, that some crooked political hack took bribes from 'special interests' to convince you that it was a 'good idea'????...and then you, in turn spit nails at those who clock it for what it is??...a set-up, that has a hidden agenda in it, that ultimately will cost you more of your freedom, money, or family members!!

Maybe it makes you feel important to be an astute expert in something...........even if its bullshit!!

By the way, Little Hawk, YO-HO!!!!