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Thread #129086   Message #2894828
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
26-Apr-10 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: Jubilee Songs, Fisk Jubilee Singers
Subject: Jubilee Songs, Fisk Jubilee Singers
Jubilee Songs

A great Camp-meeting in the promised land
A Happy New Year
A little more faith in Jesus
Anchor in the Lord
Angels Waiting at the door

Been a listening
Bright sparkles in the Churchyard

Children, you'll be called on
Children, we all shall be free
Chilly Water
Come, all of God's children
Come down, angels
Come, let us all go down

Deep River
Did not old Pharoah get lost?
Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel
Don't you grieve after me
Down by the River

Farewell, my brother
From every grave-yard

Gabriel's Trumpet's going to blow
Getting ready to die
Gideon's Band
Give me Jesus
Go down Moses
Go, chain the lion down
Good-bye, Brothers
Good news, the chariot's coming
Good old Chariot
Gwine to ride up in the Chariot

Hail! Hail!
Hard trials
He arose
He rose from the dead
He's the Lily of the Valley

I am going to die no more
I ain't got weary yet
I know that my Redeemer lives
I'll hear the trumpet sound
I'm a rolling
I'm a travelling to the grave
I'm going to live with Jesus
I'm going to sing all the way
I'm so glad (no. 32)
I'm so glad (no. 107)
I'm troubled in mind
I want to be ready; or, walk in Jerusalem just like John
In Bright Mansions above
Inching along
In the River of Jordan
In that great getting-up morning
I've been in the storm so long
I've been redeemed
I've just come from the Fountain

John Brown's Body
Judgement-day is rolling round
Judgement will find you so

Keep me from sinking down
Keep your lamps trimmed and burning

Listen to the angels
Love feast in Heaven
Lord, I wish I had a come
Lord's Prayer

Many thousand gone
March on
Mary and Martha
Move along
My good Lord's been here
My Lord, what a mourning
My Lord's writing all the time
My ship is on the ocean
My way's cloudy
Nobody knows the trouble I see
Now we take this feeble body

Oh! holy Lord
Oh, Brothers are you getting ready?
Oh, give me the wings
Oh, make a-me holy
Oh, wasn't that a wide river
Oh, yes! Oh, yes!
Old ship of Zion
O redeemed
O! Sinner Man

Peter, go ring them bells
Prepare us
Reign, Master Jesus
Reign, O reign
Ride on, King Jesus
Rise and Shine
Rise, Mourners
Rise, shine, for thy light is a-coming
Roll, Jordan, roll
Room enough
Run to Jesus

Save me, Lord, save me
Shine, shine (no. 28)
Shine, shine (no. 98)
Sweet Canaan
Show me the way
Some of these mornings
Steal away
Swing low, sweet Chariot

'Tis Jordan's River
The General Roll
The Gospel train
The Rocks and the Mountains
The Angels changed my Name
There's a meeting here tonight
The Ten Virgins
The work's being done
They led my Lord away
This Old Time religion
Turn back Pharoah's army

Wait a little while
Way over Jordan
We are almost home
We are climbing the hills of Zion
We'll die in the Field
We'll overtake the Army
We'll stand the Storm
We shall walk thro' the valley
What kind of shoes are you going to wear
When Moses smote the water
When shall I get there
Wrestling Jacob

Zion's Children

All with musical scores. J. B. T. Marsh, The Story of the Jubilee Singers with Their Songs. 1880s, Houghton Mifflin. Songs appear in several editions, USA and UK, 1870s-1880s.

Joe, if you wish to combine in another thread, OK. This is an edited PermaThread, moderated by Q. Feel free to post here, but note that we reserve the right to edit or delete all messages.

-Joe Offer-