The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128878   Message #2894897
Posted By: beardedbruce
26-Apr-10 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
Subject: RE: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
"It was the most debated and negotiated legislation in the last 40 years"

That must be why the Demoicrats locked the Republicans out of the conference room, and even the Democrats "Have to vote for the bill in order to find out what is in it." ( quote from Pelosi)

Sorry, the debate was within the higher levels of the Democratic Party, and the bill was pushed through even after the majority of people in most if nort all polls disapproved of THIS bill- NOTE I DID NOT SAY "Healthcare Reform"- it was this PARTICULAR bill wich was being pushed down our throats that was being objected to, by Republicans, Independents , and many Democrats.