The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123724   Message #2894953
Posted By: ichMael
26-Apr-10 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: A birther in the Court
Subject: RE: BS: A birther in the Court
Okay, go down the list since last time...

Mousethief shoots himself in all three feet yet again. Maya Soetoro. Look it up on wikipedia. Born in Indonesia. Then: The problem is that all of the "proof" is really after the fact. Well, duh. We're not talking about pre-crime here. The proof against Nixon came after the fact. Meltdown, as predicted. Still saying I haven't answered his questions, and I couldn't tell anyone what the question is if my life depended on it. Let me unstick my feet from this puddle and move on.

Ebbie: "...all the crack cocaine in the white house wine cellar..." You really are a nasty piece of work, aren't you. the only thing in your favor is your age. There is a chance that you will grow up. Hey, I didn't make Barry Soetoro/Obama have crack-fueled homosex in a limo with Larry Sinclair.   Read all about it on the internet. But in fairness, G.W. Bush had his own proclivities in that direction. Victor Ashe. I think they went through the sex-in-the-coffin initiation at Yale, and they've been kind of joined at the hip, so to speak, ever since.

Then a bunch of generalized farking. A mudcat specialty. Bark + fart. Can't tell which end the noise is coming from.

I don't really care where Obama was born. A moderator moved my question about Obama's name to this thread. I just don't want to have to undo illegally signed legislation in the future. If the guy's name is Soetoro, then that's how he needs to sign bills.

This other stuff--about the birth certificate--has never really interested me before now, but I must say that the farkers at mudcat have made me a convert. The telling thing about the situation is Obama's spending so much money to hide his records. He's a lawyer, he knows about the "appearance of impropriety." That's a big part of determining guilt--how did the accused behave? And he's failed that test. I was more of a "namer," but now I guess I'm a bona fide "birther." Nothing short of public display of his actual birth certificate will answer the questions now.

Oh, and the lady at Kinko's or wherever that was--take a lesson from her. She named names to the best of her ability and might have saved her life in the process. Clinton, the all know the stories about the deaths of those around them. The smartest thing a person with dangerous knowledge about such people can do is go public. No need to kill the whistleblower once they've blown the whistle.