The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128878   Message #2894983
Posted By: beardedbruce
26-Apr-10 - 09:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
Subject: RE: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
"Maybe you'd like to tell the good folks how much time was spent proir to a conference to iron out small details"

The Republicans had their changes to the bill killed in Committe, then Reid & Pelosi rewrote the bill, anyway.

"... Maybe you'd like to tell them about how Obama went to the Repubs in the first palce"

Obama said that the Republicans had to comprimise- and agree with the Democrats. If one side wants to spend 20 trillion, and the other side wants to spend nothing, is 15 trillion spent a compramise, or an abdication of fiscal responsibility?

"... Maybe you'd like to tell them how the Repubs left the House chambers and cheered people spitting on Democratic Congressmen... "

And that was AFTER they were LOCKED OUT of the Committee meeting, and told they had to accept Pelosi's version with NO chance to even READ it before the vote

"Maybe you'd like to tell them how many hours of debate had occured prior to that confernece..."

Debate between the various members of the DEMOCRATIC Party. The Republicans were ciut out of all debate, and reduced to making public comments since they could not get into the committee to make comments to Congress.


Only someone who just dropped in from another planet would believe that the Democrats were interested in a bipartisan bill. IF , as Obama said, the two sides agreed on 80% of the bill, WHY DIDN'T he put it into 5 smaller bills, and PASS 4 of them with support of BOTH parties, THEN argue the points of difference in the 5th??? As it was , the Democrats went against both public opinion and any spirit of compriomise, and, IMO, will pay heavily in the fall election.

I fear far more the reverse pendulum swing caused by the Democratic actions than the damage that will be caused by the Democratic bill.

Which is why the place in NY state, 4 hours from an open section of the Canadian border...