The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128878   Message #2895180
Posted By: Bobert
27-Apr-10 - 07:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
Subject: RE: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
Same answer as above, GfS.... The only thing that has stunned the country is an AWOL (and proud of it) Republican Party... Hey, they have every chance to be part of the process but they refuse... They remind me of two-year-olds having temper tantrums... This is all about just how hurt their feelings are over losing power... It has nothing to do with policy... I mean, the health care reform bill had more of a Republican fingerprint on it than a Democratic yet the Repubs sat in the corner bawling their poor little eyes out???

Yeah, this is the stunning part... Not Dems going ahead with what they have to do... If that means having to get together to work out details, so be it... Why would they be expected to have people in the room who have publicly (and thru their votes) say, "No, thanks, we're mad and we're not going to play"???

And guess what??? At the end of the day Ben Nelson didn't get his way and the Stupack got some language which wasn't, in substance, any different than existing language about federal money not going to pay for abortions... But the Repubs now want to howl over that, too...

Sorry, GfS, but you keep throwing up McConnell talking points which, BTW, goes a long way toward expalining why you were so anti-Obama prior to the election... Duhhhhhh, you seem to be a closet Republican... No offense but if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's a duck...
