The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129095   Message #2895404
Posted By: Bill D
27-Apr-10 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spill, Baby, Spill... (Palin & oil spills)
Subject: RE: BS: Spill, Baby, Spill...
I see.....

I was aware of the serious oil rig explosion and spill, and I do not favor extended off-shore drilling, but as much as I dislike Sarah and her skewed logic and sound bytes, I have to say that this disaster has only limited bearing on her policies.

In the Gulf, and in the North Sea...etc., much oil HAS been acquired from these platforms. Folks are taking a calculated risk, which has been barely worth the problems and cost. It is no as if Sarah was out there alone advocating obviously stupid ideas....she is just one voice among many hoping that speculative drilling will get us a few months more supply.
It is time to extract what oil has already been located, and spend all that money on alternative energy....Sarah doesn't 'get' it, but she doesn't deserve special notice for that.

*sigh*...I suspect Obama is playing a VERY complex practical/political game in allow some 'limited' exploration. I wish I knew the details so I could go yell at him.