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Thread #128878   Message #2895653
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
27-Apr-10 - 11:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
Subject: RE: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
First of all I'm NOT a Republican...and I think that should be obvious, by now. I have criticized BOTH political parties for their CORRUPTION!..My past posts should be quite evident.

Now Pelosi said what Pelosi said. McConnell didn't make her say it, I didn't make it you can try to minimize the link by saying it was a McConnell talking point. I don't really care about McConnell anyway. I care about our country, and how the propaganda hides the real agendas, of them both. Meanwhile, our freedoms are being eroded, we're plummeted into debt,..and we, the people have hardly any say, on what is being imposed on us...but we ARE being told WHAT to think, and in that, they, the two parties have us bickering between ourselves while bullshit is being passed, and the government neglects its obligations, to keep us free and safe, within our borders, while the fat cats, at the top, get fatter!

BOTH sides are more concerned about power and control ABOVE the well-being of people our country...and use 'compromise' to move us toward a complete disaster...with the fattest of the fat-cats at the top!...and they don't give a rat's ass about anything but their own WILLS...over the rights, of the people.

Gosh, I hope that's at least reasonably clear to ya'!