The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128878   Message #2896414
Posted By: ichMael
28-Apr-10 - 11:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
Subject: RE: BS: Democratic Party Terrorist Organization?
Back to what started this thread. The actions of Heath Shuler, the white congressman who said he heard black congressmen called names, then backed away from his lie as if it was no big thing. From the Christian Science Monitor:

Unwilling to let charges of racism stand, "tea party" groups continue to challenge claims by members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) that protesters hurled the N-word at them 15 times at a "Code Red" protest in the run-up to the health-care reform vote on March 20.

Good for them. Don't let Shuler get away with slander and incitement to riot.

Without hard evidence for either side, the conventional wisdom might be for tea partyers to let the incident slide and to blame the movement's more radical elements. Instead, a group called the Tea Party Federation sent a letter to the CBC on April 26 demanding video or audio corroboration of the accusations.

The burden of proof is on the ones who made the claim, not on the Tea Party, and the accusers can't produce proof. AND they're backing away from their lies.

Already concerned about agents provocateur infiltrating rallies, tea party members say they either want help to ferret out the guilty party – or an apology from congressmen it if turns out they made up the incident to discredit the tea party movement.

Amid at least one poll showing that the public perceives the tea party movement to be at least partially racially biased...

What crap. The public "perceives" racism. The government-controlled media's trying to work the Obama mob into a frenzy. They already have most of you thinking it's okay to infiltrate groups and act as provocateurs, and next will come lynchings of Tea Party members because you "perceive" that they might have done the same to a black person if they got the chance. Bona fide crap.

May's going to be a bad month for Obama with the citizenship thing. Don't join his mobs if his provocateurs try to start diversionary race riots. His buddy Bill Ayers is already out grandstanding with the Brown Berets, and Ayers has SAID he wants race riots in America. Don't fall for it.