The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128809   Message #2897594
Posted By: Stringsinger
30-Apr-10 - 06:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do Americans hate one another so much?
Thanks Janie.

I think Joe got it right. The main-stream news media loves confrontation so they
promote it for their ratings.

I don't think Americans hate each other that much. They tend to be emotional over
ideologies but when it comes to meeting the other guy, sometimes, and I support this,
humanity trumps ideology. I think we can learn to agree to disagree without violence.

I don't think we have to acquiesce to principles or ideologies with which we disagree.
(Get along, not go along).

Perhaps maybe McGrath watches too much American TV. :)

I get mad sometimes at what I perceive to be injustice but i have to remember
to respond and not react. I'm working on this. It ain't easy.

One of the reasons I like Mudcat is that there can be a civil discourse without a lot
of name-calling and pontificating. I don't mind passion, though if someone feels
strongly about something. I haven't found much bullying on Mudcat and that's proof
that us Americans don't hate each other all that much.