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Thread #123724   Message #2898229
Posted By: Don Firth
01-May-10 - 06:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: A birther in the Court
Subject: RE: BS: A birther in the Court
It's a fairly slow day here at the Skunk Works, so just for the helluvit, I did a little google-surfing. The truth is out there, but there is also more bullshit to be found than can possibly be produced by all the combined feed-lots on the inner planets of a dozen solar systems. Among other things, one must consider the veracity of the sources and examine the motivations behind the purveyors of all these web sites.

The name on my birth certificate reads "Donald Richard Firth." When I was a wee sprat, my parents, sisters, and playmates usually called me "Donnie." At about the age of twelve or thirteen, I insisted that the "Donnie" diminutive be dropped and that I be called "Don."

In one of my geometry classes at Roosevelt High School, I had a weak-eyed teacher who was slightly dyslexic, and after checking the class roster and mis-reading my last name (Firth, a Scottish place name inherited from my great-grandfather who came to the Pacific Northwest in 1851 with the Hudson's Bay Company), he would address me as "Mr. Faith." Never did get it right.

I often sign my name "Donald R. Firth," not spelling out my middle name. On one occasion, however, I was working full-time as an annoucer at one radio station, where I used the name "Don Firth." For two weeks, if filled in for an annoucer friend of mine who worked at another station while he took a vacation. It would not go down well at my full-time job for me to be working at another station as well, so—my father's name was Robert, so with that, and my middle name, I adopted the pseudonym "Dick Robertson" when I filled in for my friend.

So—at different times during my life, I've gone variously by Donnie Don Donald R. Dick Richard Robertson Faith Firth.


I am not particularly undone by the idea that Barack Obama might have prefered being called "Barry" (as short for "Barack") or taking his new stepfather's name(s) when his mother remarried and later decided to resume using the name he had been given originally.

Theodore Roosevelt was often called "Teddy" (he even had a stuffed animal named after him) and Ronald Reagan was often called "Ronnie." William Jefferson Clinton? "Bill." George W. Bush was frequently called—    Well, maybe we'd better not go there!

I do not really believe that "ichMael" is the name that appears on the OPer's birth certificate. More than likely, his given name is "Michael," since he's using what is obviously an anagram of "Michael." I believe he might be trying to allude to Ishmael, son of Abraham and Sarah's handmaiden, Hagar. Ishmael became an outcast when Sarah bore Isaac, whose descendants became the Israelites. Ishmael is said to have wandered off to become a prophet on his own hook, some say founding the precursors of Islam, and later on, went on to tell of his ill-fated whaling venture with Captain Ahab. I think ichMael probably enjoys thinking of himself as a prophetic outcast. It fits the psychological profile of all conspiracy theory buffs.

Anyway, I don't really give a rat's ass what Barry Barack Soetoro Dunham Hussein Obama Bill Brewer Jan Stewer Peter Gurney Peter Davey Dan'l Whiddon Harry Hawk old Uncle Tom Cobleigh and all chooses to call himself.


So—just who is this James David Manning?

The "Reverend" James David Manning first came to public attention in the 2008 presidential election after ATLAH (an organization cobble together by Manning for the purpose of running all whites out of Harlem and returning it God's chosen people, blacks. (Sound a litle racist, perhaps?) He posted several "sermons" on YouTube, harshly critical of Democratic candidate Barack Obama. Among other accusations, he calls Obama a "good House Negro," and in another, he refers to him as "trash" because of his mixed race (!). He accuses Obama of "pimping white women," and calls him an "emissary of the devil." He claims that Obama "has the cadence of an Islamic person", and called Obama's mother "trash" for becoming pregnant by a black man "out of wedlock."

By the way, the "Reverend" James David Manning is himself African-American.

According to Manning, "It is common knowledge that African men, coming from the continent of Africa—especially for the first time—do diligently seek out white women to have sexual intercourse with. Generally the most noble of white society choose not to intercourse sexually with these men. So it's usually the trashier ones who make their determinations that they're going to have sex."

Manning defended his "sermons" in an interview on Fox News, saying that "we also have to talk about his character." He compared Oprah Winfrey, who supported Obama's campaign, with "The Whore of Babylon," and the Antichrist.

The sermons drew the attention of the Americans United for Separation of Church and State, which filed a complaint with the Internal Revenue Service objecting to alleged violations of laws granting tax-free status to churches on condition that they refrain from certain forms of political activity.

Manning continued his criticisms of Obama after the election, producing a video in summer 2009 that predicts that there will be a white backlash against Obama, complete with riots. He also attended many of the first "birther" events. In an interview with an Israeli radio station, Manning asserted that Obama had chosen to befriend Muslims instead of Jews.

On May 14–19, 2010 he plans to hold treason trials regarding Obama, claiming to prove that he was a CIA agent during the early 1980s when he was a student at Columbia University, and that his Muslim and Marxist views combined with his classified CIA knowledge are allowing him to hold the United States hostage while he works to undermine it out of hatred for it.

Jus' curious:    Just where is he planning to hold these treason trials anyway?

Manning? I think what we have here is a Chihuahua yapping at a lion.

(aka) Don Firth