The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129162   Message #2898296
Posted By: CarolC
01-May-10 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim veil ban in Belgium
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim veil ban in Belgium
I'm not dismissing the women you've been listening to, Emma. I'm offering a perspective coming from other women who have just as much right to be heard, and to deny them that right, to dismiss what they have to say, is no more right than dismissing what the women you've been listening to have to say. You don't have all of the moral high ground on your side. Only some of it.

So you really believe people should do anything they feel is good for them? Unlimited cigarettes, booze, heroin, open slather. The takers of such material will happily tell you (cough, cough) that they feel it doing them good...

Foolestroupe, your argument cuts both ways. A person who has a different idea of what is good for you might argue that you shouldn't be allowed to decide for yourself what is good for you, and they might think they should be able force you to wear saffron colored robes and eat nothing but tofu, for instance. What makes you think you get to decide for others? Your inherent superiority?