The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128619   Message #2898329
Posted By: Lox
01-May-10 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
Subject: RE: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters

"WHAT????? Are you really that stupid?? Eight people have just been shot up by two 30mm cannons and you as a father of two children deliberately drive towards where that happened, and you think it is safe or sensible to actually do that?? You either have no children or you are on a different planet."

Does not provide the substantiaton requested by this:

"The Idea that the children were deliberately put at risk is your assertion unsupported by any eveidence anywhere, let alone on the video."

It merely provides more assertions, and more absurd ones ... like the father knew that 30mm cannons had anything to do with the situation.

It's ok, I've got your number. You're proud of your son and rightly so, but to cope with him being out there you too have developed a blind spot.

Blind so you can't see and numb so you can't feel.

The thing you can't seem to understand is that the people in the van were in their own home.

To them it was not a battlefield, but their locality - their schools - their shops etc - the place where they live.

For all they knew it was a bombsite. There was no sight or sound of any planes, tanks, soldiers etc etc ... just wreckage.

oh ... and a screaming, possibly dying man ...

"Quick - load him in - we'll get him to hospital"