The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128619   Message #2898961
Posted By: Teribus
03-May-10 - 12:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
Subject: RE: BS: Video of US Killing of Reuters Reporters
That is the US soldier I know .. NOT one that fires on a van with KIDS

Point is Olddude, up until Ethan McCord looked into the inside of the van NOBODY KNEW WHO OR WHAT WAS INSIDE THAT VAN, certainly not the crews of those helicopters. I know that the wikileaks article tried to give every impression that they DID KNOW they were firing on children, but then that was the whole purpose behind the article, to paint as black a picture as possible.

Now as you were moved to responding to what I have written perhaps you will answer the questions I specifically asked you:

1. Do you now concede that there were armed men in the group that was fired on?

2. Do you believe that the Rules Of Engagement in force on that day dictated that US Forces actually had to be fired upon before they in turn could respond?

Now Olddude, I KNOW the answers to both of those questions, I want to know if you do, because until you honestly realise exactly what the US Forces were confronted with on that day, there is little point in discussing anything about it, now try dealing with reality.

Deflecting the argument again Lox now address the point I made:

You, according to your own principles, with your daughter in a van in Baghdad on the 12th July 2007 would have suceeded in getting both you and your daughter killed. I on the other hand would have made sure all my children were safe, primarly because that is my job and my primary responsibilty as a parent - TRUE??