The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129126   Message #2900179
Posted By: Betsy
04-May-10 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: folk club decline uk
Subject: RE: folk club decline uk
I'll throw the observation into a different direction. When I was a kid almost 60 years ago my Nanna used to go to something called a Darby and Joan club. I understood that she met-up with people of her own age /peer group and various people bashed-out songs on the piano - songs that they all knew and could join in with i.e. a good sing-song.
I have no way of knowing whether youngsters think we have gone down a similar path albeit with expensive guitars & instuments (replacing the piano).
"Everyone" could play the piano then, much as today when "everyone" can knock out a song on a guitar .
Are we all just drifting away as something to be distantly recalled as I have just done with the Darby and Joan reference ?
A slightly depressing thought , but we perhaps we didn't ( or couldn't - with the advent of the electonic /computer age ) do enough to encourage youngsters to join in with our music.
Time will tell but I feel that this cycle is unstoppable - and will need to be completely resurrected in later years .
At least there is enough source material been left in our tracks , to enable a new wave to be quickly on its' feet without doing the scrounging and searching for songs which many of us have tried to do in the post 50's /60's revival.
Good luck to 'em