The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129208   Message #2900963
Posted By: Bobert
05-May-10 - 08:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: off shore oil rig spill and more
Subject: RE: BS: off shore oil rig spill and more
Not so funny thing about "illegals" is that if they all just went home and didn't do the dirty work ,usch as picking crops, then our economy would suffer... There is a reason they are here... It's called jobs... Jobs that "legals" apparently are unwilloing to do at the labor rates that are being paid... When you go to the grocery store and see that you can buy fruits and vegetables are a somewhat reasonable cost think about what that cost would be if the "illegals" weren't here and farmers had to pay a decent wage...

Hey, not that I am in support of crappy wages that farmers pay "illegals", mind you, but there's more to the story than "There's a reason they are called illegals"... I mean, if we could have a dialogue about immigration without the Tea Party screamers then it might be fruitfulll (pun intended) but when the right wing just wants to scream bumpersticker positions that have been drilled into their little minds then the discussion is over before it can get started...

Also, there are millions of IS born citizens who have a parent or parents who are illegal... That creates another area for disussion without the screamers who really don't wnat to learn anything new...
