The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123724   Message #2901052
Posted By: ichMael
06-May-10 - 12:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: A birther in the Court
Subject: RE: BS: A birther in the Court
SPB-Cooperator --

The problem with Obama began when his grandmother said she saw him born in Kenya. Other family members backed up her claim. That's a problem, because according to our constitution he is ineligible to serve as President if he was born in Kenya.

The people who were responsible for checking his citizenship were politicians from his own party, so when the issue was raised in the media, those politicians flashed a piece of paper over the internet as proof. That was it. Now they say the issue is "resolved" and closed.

But he still hasn't provided proof of citizenship. And he's spent over two million dollars on lawyers to hide all records from his early life which might shed light on his place of birth and citizenship.

That's the problem we're faced with.