The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25000   Message #290109
Posted By: GUEST,Barry Finn
02-Sep-00 - 08:40 PM
Thread Name: Beatles: Please Stop!
Subject: RE: Beatles: Please Stop!
Hi Deborah, do come, I can speak for Jeri's upstanding character, in inner city terms she's a stand up person (that's very good). I don't know what recording artist did the version I heard on WUMB or who's she's signed with, didn't really care then & still don't, I didn't care that much for the fab four after St Pepper either & still even less now. That's all personnal taste though. I do hear a good bit of folkies doing new renditions of some other oldies (pre Beatles if you will), & I've never heard less soul & more sugar from most of them. On the brighter side thank God there aren't more like me around you'd all get fed on a steady diet of trad until it all sounded the same & I do realize I'm like but I'm not implying that any has to have my tastes anymore more than I should have someone elses. Enough of my trad trash. Barry