The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129190   Message #2901166
Posted By: Bobert
06-May-10 - 07:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
Lol, GfS... As all of Bobert's nuggets of wisdom this one was hard but I enl;isted to fight in the Toidy War... Got a good butt whup fir my efforts but that "change you can believe in" sunk in real good 'cause I know where the toidy seat is supposed to be when I'm done playin' bathroom... Sho nuff do... Down, baby, down...

Thanks, Janie, fir them kind words... Yeah, me and the P-Vine are a purdy good duo... No, make that a great duo... I mean, we both came into this thing with old tapes and baggage (like most folks who have been thru a life) but we just get stronger and stronger... And as a result of this thread I have made a Bobert Executive Decision and that is:

((((drum roll))))

I'm just gonna continue pickin' the stuff up before and as I mow and be darned happy to have the P-Vine in my life... Sniff... I'd hate to go thru the rest of my life having to mow and wondering why the stuff ain't all over the place... I mean, if that's the price I have to pay, then so be it...


(That was purdy lame and weepy, Boberdz...)

Well, yeah... She went up to a nursery yesterday in Maryland to select azaleas for this weekends garden shoe at the the Virginia State Arboritum and stayed with her sister in NoVa last night and *now* I gotta cook my own breakfast!!! No, that ain't it... I miss her...


BTW, Janie, you'd love this garden show... Almost a hundred vendors... We practically sold out last year and made over $2500 for the azalea chapter....
