The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129208   Message #2901593
Posted By: Amos
06-May-10 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: off shore oil rig spill and more
Subject: RE: BS: off shore oil rig spill and more
Incident        Fatalities
        1. Piper Alpha
Occidental's Piper Alpha platform was destroyed by explosion and fire in 1988. 167 workers were killed in the blaze.        167
        2. Alexander L. Kielland
In 1980, the accommodation rig Alexander L. Kielland capsized during a storm after a leg support brace failed.        123
        3. Seacrest Drillship
The Seacrest drillship capsized in 1989 during Typhoon Gay, with the loss of 91 crew.        91
        4. Ocean Ranger
A ballast control malfunction caused the Ocean Ranger to capsize during a ferocious storm in the North Atlantic in 1982, with the loss of all hands.        84
        5. Glomar Java Sea Drillship
Another storm fatality, the Glomar Java Sea capsized and sank during Typhoon Lex in 1983 with the loss of all on board.        81
        6. Bohai 2
In 1979, the jack-up Bohai 2 capsized and sank in a storm while on tow off the coast of China.        72
        7. Brent Field Chinook Helicopter
A Chinook helicopter shuttle between the Brent Field and Sumburgh crashed into the North Sea in 1986 with only two survivors.        45
        8. Enchova Central
During a blowout on the Enchova Central off Brazil, 42 workers lost their lives attempting to evacuate the platform.        42
9- C. P. Baker Drilling Barge
Built in 1962 using an uncommon catamaran design, the C. P. Baker drilling barge burned and sank after a shallow gas blowout.        22
        9- Mumbai (Bombay) High North
A support vessel collided with Mumbai High North in 2005, rupturing a riser and causing a major fire that destroyed the platform.        22
        9- Usumacinta
Storm winds caused the Usumacinta jack-up to strike the adjacent Kab-101 platform, resulting in a fatal evacuation and blowout in 2007.        22

(The numbers after each entry are the fatalities incurred).

From the same source, linked upthread, concerning blow-outs and spillages from them:

Five Worst Blowouts        Volume Released
        1. Sedco 135F and the IXTOC-1 Well
In 1979, the IXTOC-1 blowout flowed uncontrollably in the Bahia de Campeche, Mexico until it was capped 9 months later.        3,500,000 barrels
        2. Ekofisk Bravo Platform
Phillips Petroleum's Ekofisk B platform experienced an 8-day oil and gas blowout in 1977 during a production well workover.        202,381 barrels
3. Funiwa No. 5 Well
Oil from the 1980 Funiwa 5 blowout polluted the Niger Delta for 2 weeks, followed by fire and the eventual bridging of the well.        200,000 barrels
        4. Hasbah Platform Well 6
Drilled in 1980 by the Ron Tappmeyer jack-up, exploratory well No. 6 blew out in the Persian Gulf for 8 days and cost the lives of 19 men.        100,000 barrels
        5. Union Oil Platform Alpha Well A-21
The 1969 Union Oil Platform A blowout lasted 11 days but continued leaking oil into the Santa Barbara Channel for months afterwards.        80,000 barrels