The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129234   Message #2901971
Posted By: Backwoodsman
07-May-10 - 08:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Can the LibDems Win?
Subject: RE: BS: Can the LibDems Win?
"Brown is "an unelected prime minister" who has been voted out of office and must go."

Why don't you dopes get it - there's no such thing as an elected Prime Minister, our electoral process doesn't include a space on the ballot paper where you can vote for the Prime Minister.

Gordon Brown was electd as an MP by his consituency, and elected as Leader by the Labour Party under their established election process. He was as 'elected' a Prime Minister as any other.

And before you crow, Bonzo-Half-A-Brain, face facts - this is a disaster for the Tories. With the events of the past two years they should have won the election with a huge majority. As it is, they'll struggle to form a government because a lot of people realised that Cameron's just a Pretty-Boy-Soundbite-Collector, with no recognisable or credible policies, who relies on people who enjoy taking it up the arse from the Toffs to vote for his appalling party.