The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129190   Message #2901999
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
07-May-10 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
Subject: RE: BS: Mudwomenz... Is this a good idea???
leeneia, You're welcome.......gasp, (looks around furtively), I actually posted something that didn't generate a lynch mob!

Bobert, oh my poor Bobert, what is the world going to do with you???

Men marry women, hoping they'll NEVER change, but, alas, they do!
Women marry men, figuring that they'll CHANGE them....but they don't!

But you, Dear Sir, have been 'potty trained' and now you're doing the yard 'picking up'....Jeez!...Didn't you have kids?????
I hope she, at least, cleans up the house....or are you putting enough bleach, in the laundry??..(Bad for septic I hear).

What next??? Listening to her for hours, go on about every nano-second of the emotional impact on her of EVERYTHING of EVERY moment, that happened to her during the day????...and what do you do??...sit there BORED to death, PRETENDING to either listen, or act interested???....while your mind is off, trying to escape, into your own thoughts???????!!!!????....and off and away. YOU ACTOR YOU!...what??...then she asks you if are you listening, and paying attention, and you fumble out some lie, and to prove it, repeat, some part of some trivia shit, she said, hoping it was close enough,(time and context wise), to get you by???...when actually you fight just to keep from dozing off...but she won't shut up long enough, for a moment, to give you peace of mind????....YOU PUSSY!!!
Tell her to get a girlfriend so prattle to...they love that shit....(its a form of bonding for women)....and can actually give you a moments peace..."Oh good, she's busy talking to 'Miss So and So'.now I have a moment to think......speaking of thinking....I wonder if I can remember the last time I got a hard on for her....if only she'd just shut up!

Now I'm picking up her damn crap, out of the yard, so I can mow it! Rather be practicing my axe, at least it attracts women, but jeez, look what happened to me with her.......I don't feel like playing, anymore! ....................................................
wonder if there is any good porn on the 'puter'......shit, I might get caught...let's see what's on Mudcat....wonder what GfS has for me.....SHIT, I DON'T KNOW WHY...YOU AIN'T LISTENING!......but I hope you at least got a smile on your face.........but then, she'll take care of that!!!!!

Oh, so loving,