The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129234   Message #2902155
Posted By: Richard Bridge
07-May-10 - 01:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can the LibDems Win?
Subject: RE: BS: Can the LibDems Win?
No, Thorpe was the shafter. His little friend "Bunnies" was the pillowbiter. That was the point of my comment. Still, at least Eton, Westminster and St Pauls should understand that sort of power sharing.

"Dave" started his campaign with a 28 point lead in the polls. Some mandate he got! Er, that's the other sort, not man-date.

The financial meltdown resulted from trickle-down (Thatcher/Reagan) economic policies and Brown and Darling (and Obama) were well on the way to a solution and now the cut-now idiots will undo all the good done. How stupid are the electorate?

Finally (for this rant) there is I suppose a silver lining in that ID cards will vanish, and HIPs will vanish - both of which were bloody stupid ideas. But stupid is better than the malice of the conservative axe, which will cut only where it does the most harm to the poor and the least to the rich - as always.

As the song has it - "Ain't it all a bleeding shame?"