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Thread #129325   Message #2902165
Posted By: Teribus
07-May-10 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tories just short of a majority
Subject: RE: BS: Tories just short of a majority
OK Richard now tell us how much of the country does not want the unelected and obviously unelecatable Gordon Brown and ZANULiebour.

What was it according to Lox's BBC facts:

29% of the vote and they lost 91 seats. Hardly a ringing endorsement is it.

No I hope that Gordon does form his minority Government, or even better forms another Lib-Lab Pact. It won't last long, a matter of months, after all they got us into this mess they should stew in it a while longer, it should be quite amusing to see the lib-Dems floundering about with real problems to solve, something that their party has not had to do for almost a century, and something that none of their reduced Parliamentary Party is actually capable of doing. The fights, the squabbling and the incompetence will return a Conservative Government with a working majority sooner rather than later particularly if Gordon of Cartoon insists on remaining at the helm.