The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129325   Message #2902629
Posted By: Emma B
08-May-10 - 08:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tories just short of a majority
Subject: RE: BS: Tories just short of a majority
Jusr because someone posts something in red doesn't make it true and I would suggest a simple look at current child protection legislation.

There certainly are some sensible limitations on children away from home on sport trips etc sharing a room with a coach for example and some local authorities have been accused of being too tigid om allowing children in residential care or foster care to stay with friends overnight unless their friends' parents or carers had been police checked through the Criminal Records Bureau

Official Ofsted policy states

" It has never been government policy that friends' parents have to be police checked."

"Unless a court order or the child's care plan requires otherwise, children's home staff and foster carers can decide whether to allow or refuse each request to sleep over, according to the circumstances (for example, whether they know the family and what exactly is being proposed), just as any parent does, without any requirement for police checks.

They should, as any reasonable parent would, have the contact details of where the child is staying, confirm arrangements with the parents/carers beforehand, and make sure the young person has the means of calling home if they need to."