The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2902704
Posted By: wysiwyg
08-May-10 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestre - Great oncology numbers!!! Yowza!!!
Speaking from vast combined experience on patients and news--

It is not at ALL unusual to not fully hear/understand every word as you get it, at the time you get it...

Or for docs to be sure all fam members DO get it all, at the time they hear it, so they can recall it for the pt. at the time it is most needed.

One of the more interesting features of pastoral care is to hear all the fam. tellings, sift out the "facts," and hold them all, till needed. In the meantime the pastor(s) pray for the whole magilla, and all the potentialities implied. Professional boundary thingie.

Thinks of it like this-- as a teacher or youth counselor, a pro knows things they may not foist upon a child or yoot-- or their parental beings-- because this or that detail may not be the most important thing for them to kn ow right then, in their professional opinion.

In this situation you have been doing the patient's job, and beautifully. You have known what to focus on at each step and have done so, with great strength.

A lot of people hear it all and then just argue with what they are told, anyway. One of the lovelier things about community is that it includes voices who will be wiser than we sometimes are. I like to think it is all God's plan that we hear these different voices, and that He gives strength and wisdom to folks when they need to make sure we "get" something. A big clue is that the truest wisdom usually comes in terms of love, because that's where He tends to put the strength. :~)

Would you really believe anyone right now besides Pete? :~)

I think if you look back, you will see that you alluded to this containment issue very early on. I think I recall it. Tho you may not have known how important it would prove to be to you later, and did not focus right on it squarely. That's OK. Pete had it for you!
