The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123724   Message #2903458
Posted By: ichMael
09-May-10 - 10:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: A birther in the Court
Subject: RE: BS: A birther in the Court
(Apr. 27, 2010) -- ...Dr. Manning reports that he has documented evidence that Barack Hussein Obama II is not a "natural born Citizen" as required by the U.S. Constitution to be President of the United States, and that Obama also did not attend Columbia University from 1981-83 as Obama has claimed.

MRS. RONDEAU: Do you have any other key witnesses coming?

DR. MANNING: ...I have subpoenaed George Stephanopoulos, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Condolezza Rice....   

MRS. RONDEAU: Is there a penalty if anyone does not honor your subpoena?

DR. MANNING: The Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives us the absolute, mandated right to call for a trial with a jury of we the people sanctioned by the Constitution if we discover that the courts or government officials are not executing their duties and allowing the people due process. Thusly, the Constitution empowers our courts. We, at times, will present evidence that crimes have taken place. At that point, it becomes the responsibility of the officials to arrest those who have been charged with crimes in a public and duly-authorized hearing or court. We will point out that crimes did take place. If the court is duly authorized, then the contempt of that court is also an infraction, and you can be arrested for that as well. So anyone who does not show up can be in contempt of a duly-authorized, Tenth Amendment, constitutionally-mandated court. That's the best way to answer that.

MRS. RONDEAU: Do you have a mechanism to enforce it?

DR. MANNING: We will present the information to the local officials.

Five days and counting. Will Zbig be arrested? Will Condi spill the beans? Stay tuned.