The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129325   Message #2903600
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
10-May-10 - 07:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tories just short of a majority
Subject: RE: BS: Tories just short of a majority
What's a socialist? We have three mainstream parties of the size and capacity (in numbers and money backing them) capable of forming a Westminster Parliament.

We don't have a socialist one amongst them, just two versions of "middle of the road (my arse)" parties claiming to dismiss their heritage and a liberal offering of policies that are half baked on the understanding they will never become law.

When I was young, and indeed when you were young, whoever you are, the Tories were seen as the establishment, the old men in grey suits, the reactionary Luddites. Labour were the nearest we had to the Socialist Utopia that sounds good on paper.

Well, there is no Labour party. Worse, many younger voters have never experienced a Labour party and are in the position to judge on merit rather than tradition. Young people from working class (whatever that means) families are not conditioned into hating Tories and see no class war in weighing up the options, as the election showed.

Used to be, you voted and you got the Government. Seems we can't even get that right now.......