The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129390   Message #2903822
Posted By: wysiwyg
10-May-10 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat's Current *Protected Class*?
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat's Current *Protected Class*?
...There are lines, even if the lines look squiggly and gray at times....

Good! Oughtta be that way!

How to "earn" is, I think, the problem. I do not believe people earn that stuff. I believe it is either freely given to all, or it's bullshit, whether the "giver' thinks it is, or not. I think the minute we make it conditional we are being less than our OWN best selves.

Of course I know that people do, unconsciously, set standards. We're outnumbered-- we have to choose to whom we allocate time. But when we do it awarely, coldly, deliberately-- that is BS, usually from unhealed hurts we have chosen NOT to heal. At least that is what I always find if I get a chance to look a little deeper.
