The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129325   Message #2904069
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
10-May-10 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tories just short of a majority
Subject: RE: BS: Tories just short of a majority
""Even then, Wales and Scotland will have no voice in parliament under a Con-Lib pact and we all know how the Tories feel about the parties in the devolved countries; it could set politics back for years.""

And a Lib/Lab pact, which cannot raise a majority, will have to offer all sorts of advantages to the Scots and the Welsh, at the expense of the English.

Once again we will pay through the nose for prescriptions and University fees, while they get them free, and no doubt the English, who have no parliament to protect them, will pay the lion's share of the current monstrous debt, while at the same time pouring money into the Welsh and Scottish budgets.

Talk about Turkeys voting for Christmas.

Don T.