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Thread #129325   Message #2904108
Posted By: GUEST,AllanC
10-May-10 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tories just short of a majority
Subject: RE: BS: Tories just short of a majority
"Once again we will pay through the nose for prescriptions and University fees, while they get them free,"

The original statement that Scots etc would have no representation in a Tory/Lib coalition is of course wrong as a good proportion of the Lib Dem MPs are from Scottish seats. However your point above is pretty pointless as the devolved Scottish govt decides how it allocates its funds so what it gives out on free prescriptions wasn't from extra funding but came from money saved elsewhere in their budget. If English people wanted the same then they should have canvassed their MPs moer for it to be introduced in England. The vast majority of MPs in the house are after all English.
There are of course differing opinions as to who subsidises who but I must point out that the SNP wish for independence where of course only money raised in Scotland would be spent in Scotland - and much of the other opinion within Scotland is for for further devolution with full fiscal autonomy within the union where again as much as possible only money raised in Scotland would be spent in Scotland. The people who are rigidly opposed to this are the arch-unionists among the Labour Party but more especially among the Tory Party.