The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87391   Message #2904528
Posted By: beardedbruce
11-May-10 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: Where's the Global Warming

"Those studies suggest that the primary cause of global warming phases...and global cooling the changing activity of the Sun.

And what would be surprising about that? Absolutely nothing. What could be more obvious than that changes in the Sun's output of energy cause changes in the climate of the Earth?"

All true.

I have been pointing out the climate changes in the rest of the solar system ( melting Martian polar ice caps, change ( after 400 years of observation) in the Great Red Spot ( a storm) on Jupiter), but have been infomed by those WHO KNOW ALL that it was just man-made CO2 that was causing everything, and that there was no need to consider anything other than the reduction of CO2- not moving populations, not adopting to new climates, not taking any steps to prepare for the climate change- Al Gore would stand on the shore and command the tide to stop.

But I admit I have know these facts for most of the duration of the debate- I have been working on several of the spacecraft that have been collecting the data being used by both sides of the arguement.

I give you full credit for being open-minded enough to look at the facts and reject the PC viewpoint.